Usman Afzali, PhD (Psyc), MD

Postdoctoral Fellow & Lecturer (Teaching and Admin), Psychology, University of Canterbury


Curriculum vitae

School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing

University of Canterbury

20 Kirkwood Avenue, Upper Riccarton Christchurch, 8041 New Zealand

Usman Afzali, PhD (Psyc), MD

Postdoctoral Fellow & Lecturer (Teaching and Admin), Psychology, University of Canterbury

School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing

University of Canterbury

20 Kirkwood Avenue, Upper Riccarton Christchurch, 8041 New Zealand

The Think/No-Think Paradigm

Role: Lead researcher

This was part of my PhD research. It had the following aims:
  • Extension of the Think/No-Think paradigm 
  • The ability to suppress unwanted using the Think/No-Think paradigm in relation to two psychological traits (OCD and PTSD)
  • Using the Think/No-Think paradigm as a countermeasure in Brain Fingerprinting
This project was completed in collaboration with Prof Michael Anderson at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK.



Behavioural evidence of suppression-induced forgetting and its interaction with psychological traits.

M. Usman Afzali, Duncan Matchett, Davide Nardo, Richard D. Jones, Joshua Lynskey, Julia Newlands, Ewald Neumann

Journal TBC

Classification accuracy of the event-related potentials-based Brain Fingerprinting and its robustness to direct-suppression and thought-substitution countermeasures

M. Usman Afzali, Richard D. Jones, Alex P. Seren-Grace, Robin W. Palmer, Dena Makarious, Mariana N. B. Rodrigues, Ewald Neumann

Applied Cognitive Psychology, vol. 37(3), Wiley, 2023 Feb 3, pp. 480-495


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