Usman Afzali, PhD (Psyc), MD

Postdoctoral Fellow & Lecturer (Teaching and Admin), Psychology, University of Canterbury


Curriculum vitae

School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing

University of Canterbury

20 Kirkwood Avenue, Upper Riccarton Christchurch, 8041 New Zealand

Usman Afzali, PhD (Psyc), MD

Postdoctoral Fellow & Lecturer (Teaching and Admin), Psychology, University of Canterbury

School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing

University of Canterbury

20 Kirkwood Avenue, Upper Riccarton Christchurch, 8041 New Zealand


  • 2023: Research Grant (PI) - A National Longitudinal Study of Muslim Diversity and Flourishing aka the Muslim Diversity Study
  • 2022: University of Canterbury Foundation Doctoral Publication Prize
  • 2022: Georgina Carvell Memorial Prize
  • 2019: Rucklidge Mental Health & Nutrition Research Scholarship
  • 2019: University of Canterbury Doctoral Scholarship 2019 to 2021
  • 2018: Department of Psychology 400 Level Psychology Outstanding Achievement Prize across all postgraduate courses
  • 2017: Department of Psychology 300 Level Psychology Outstanding Achievement Prize across all 300-level courses

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